Bartleby is committed to Academic Integrity and our Honor Code. We are working to do our part to ensure our products are not misused. As always we are open to your questions and feedback. You may contact us at any time (we offer 24x7 service) and we welcome the opportunity to hear from you.
Here are the proactive measures we’ve put in place and we will continue to build upon this:
- When we detect or learn of violations of our Honor Code, we move quickly to address violators - students and experts alike.
- We respond to all Honor Code violation escalations from faculty within 45 minutes.
- We respond to DMCA content takedown requests within 45 minutes and remove material in accordance with the DMCA.
- If an expert identifies a question on bartleby which is a graded question or contains points the question will be rejected and not answered. The question will not appear in our library. If bartleby finds that an expert has failed to reject a graded or point assigned question, the expert will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
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